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The Upgrades: A Market Expansion

The Upgrades: A Market Expansion

SKU: 364115376135191
Excluding Sales Tax |

Publisher: Mere Pursuit
Game Designer: G. Wesley Cone

(Important The Upgrades: A Market Expansion  requires one or two copies of The Market: A Pocket Game to be played.

-One copy of The Market + one copy of The Upgrades will play one to two players.
-Two copies of The Market + one copy of The Upgrades will play three to four players.)

A mysterious smith has begun to appear in the marketplace providing unique and mystical wares, created from resources laid down by the locals. In times past, staffs, shadows and rags have seemingly been imbued with a similar ancient Power. But, these objects hold no Power in and of themselves. No, the Power comes from another source, and the Power provides witness. Is it the Hard Fire, or is it something more? The locals have taken to suggesting that the smith is selling his wares. But, this smith cannot be bought. Nevertheless, he doesn't offer the provision only to those who see him rightly. He offers freely to all who approach.

The Upgrades | A Market Expansion expands on The Market | A Pocket Game with a number of exciting features.

In The Upgrades, you no longer simply trade Temporary Resources for more Permanent Resources. You will now sacrifice your only source of sustenance for hope that you might find power to change everything.

What's new?

  • Hard Fire (a new resource building card)
  • Upgrades (new wares to be purchased that can be leveled up)
  • Power (a new potential win condition)

In a temporary world, even permanence is fleeting.

We only sell & ship to the 50 states of the USA and Washington DC.

Shipping will be done via USPS/FedEx/UPS/Mere Pursuit Delivery/etc. If purchased in the same order as New Kingdom Gaming or Meek Heroes Gaming products, expect the products to arrive in separate shipments.

Shipping costs include packaging and cost to ship. Packaging will be strong enough to sustain damage via carrier. If for some reason your product arrives damaged, please reach out to us (including pictures and description of the damage).​​

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